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Flower Depot is proud to be growing 20 different varieties of Chrysanthemum in our Philippine flower farm. Our flower farm boasts of having 9 single standard varieties, 9 spray daisy types, santini spray types and button chrysanthemums. In fact, this is the most delightful spot in our farm; you see colors of all shades, from deep purples to lime greens. We even have purple anemones!
Chrysanthemums and Nature
Nature gives us the answer; if only we cared to look I have always wondered why we spend so much time looking elsewhere, for happiness, healing, pleasure, or serenity. We forget that nature envelops us, and has handed us all our answers, if only we paid attention. Take the chrysanthemum. I walk through a field of our chrysanthemums in the farm, and without even trying, my heart delights in its simple splendor. It is often called the flower of the Sun. Why? Chrysanthemums are not only delightful flowers, these charming works of art can warm and fill your stomach, have healing properties, protect you from the outside world, and while doing all this, works with nature to prevent pollution.
The flowers were first cultivated in China as far back as the 15th century B.C. Tao Qian, an influential Chinese poet, reveres the chrysanthemum for its symbolism of nobleness. In the 6th century AD, it was introduced in Japan. It was venerated as the symbol of the sun and as representing perfection. It was so loved that the Emperor adopted the flower as his official seal. In Japan, the Emperor’s position is called the Chrysanthemum throne. Europe named the flower from the Greek word “chrysous” meaning golden.
Uses of Chrysanthemums
Chrysanthemums have been used for centuries as tea and food. Yellow or white chrysanthemum flowers are boiled to make tea in some parts of Asia. The tea has many medicinal uses, including an aid in recovery from influenza. Extracts of Chrysanthemum plants (stem and flower) have been shown to have a wide variety of potential medicinal properties, including anti-HIV-1, antibacterial and antimycotic. In Chinese cuisine, Chrysanthemum leaves are steamed or boiled and used as greens. Others use the petals to mix with a thick snake meat soup in order to enhance the aroma. Have a problem with insects and bugs? Chrysanthemums are natural insecticides! The flowers are pulverized, and an active component (called pyrethrins) is applied in water or oil, or as a powder. Pyrethrins attack the nervous systems of all insects, and inhibit female mosquitoes from biting. They are considered to be amongst the safest insecticides for use around food. As if these are not enough, Chrysanthemum plants have been shown to reduce indoor air pollution by the NASA Clean Air Study.
The Chrysanthemum is just one little flower, among the multitude of gifts nature has given us. It’s a pity we still have to wonder and look elsewhere, when we already have the answer.
We offer flowers at wholesale for delivery anywhere in the Philippines. Kindly fill out the Wholesale Client Form, email us at or contact our Wholesale Team at 632-8180792.
What you get:
o Straight from our Farm, No Middle-Man Costs
o Large Assortment of Flower Varieties and Colors
o Easy Online Transactions; Online Payment Options
o 24 hour Delivery anywhere in the Philippines
o Personalized Service with a Welcoming Wholesale Team